Saving Skyscales

1. A Magic Quesst

“Find Gorrik in Sun’s Refuge”.

Go to Venta Pass Waypoint and go South, enter Sun’s Refuge and go South again. Speak with Gorrik to recieve A Magic Quest.

2. Skyscale of Water

“Complete Skyscale of Water”.

See Skyscale of Water Guide for this.

3. Skyscale of Fire

“Complete Skyscale of Fire”.

See Skyscale of Fire Guide for this.

4. Skyscale of Ice

“Complete Skyscale of Ice”.

See Skyscale of Ice Guide for this.

5. Skyscale of Earth

“Complete Skyscale of Earth”.

See Skyscale of Earth Guide for this.

6. Skyscale of Air

“Complete Skyscale of Air”.

See Skyscale of Air Guide for this.

7. Skyscale of Life

“Complete Skyscale of Life”.

See Skyscale of Life Guide for this.

8. Skyscale of Blood

“Complete Skyscale of Blood”.

See Skyscale of Blood Guide for this.

9. Skyscale of Growth

“Complete Skyscale of Growth”.

See Skyscale of Growth Guide for this.

10. Skyscale of Death

“Complete Skyscale of Death”.

See Skyscale of Death Guide for this.

11. Skyscale of Spirit

“Complete Skyscale of Spirit”.

See Skyscale of Spirit Guide for this.

12. Skyscale of Fear

“Complete Skyscale of Fear”.

See Skyscale of Fear Guide for this.

13. Skyscale of Courage

“Complete Skyscale of Courage”.

See Skyscale of Courage Guide for this.

14. A Quest Completed

“Find Gorrik in Sun’s Refuge”.

Go to Venta Pass Waypoint and go South, enter Sun’s Refuge and go South again. Speak with Gorrik to recieve A Quest Completed.

Now we completed the Saving Skyscales achievement.

To progress you will have to wait 1 day, the day after you will receive a mail to start part 3.


5 AP

Continue with Raising Skyscales.