Total Costs: 35 500
Go to Sun’s Refugee and speak with Gorrik.
1. Elonian Sandpaper
“Purchase from Priory Historian Elisa somewhere in the Crystal Desert”.
Shown below is 1 of the 52 possible Crystal Desert locations, her location changes weekly. You can check on which map she is by double-clicking Ley-Infused Sand .
Go to Seborhin Waypoint and go North, speak with Priory Historian Elise and Purchase the Elonian Sandpaper for 5 and 500
2. Corsair Sailcloth
“Purchase from Alaleh at Chalon Docks in the Domain of Istan”.
Go to Chalon Docks Waypoint and go South, speak with Alaleh [Volatile Magic Collector] and purchase the Corsair Sailcloth for 5, 250
and 250
3. Olmakhan Leather
“Purchase from Ethall at Atholma in Sandswept Isles”.
Go to Atholma Waypoint and go North, speak with Ethall [Volatile Magic Collector] and purchase the Olmakhan Leather for 5, 250
and 250
4. Extra-Sticky Tar
“Purchase from Nalar at the Allied Encampment in the Domain of Kourna”.
Go to Allied Encampment Waypoint and go East, speak with Nalar [Volatile Magic Collector] and purchase the Extra-Sticky Tar for 5, 250
and 250
5. Lubinella Cadentis Silk
“Purchase from Trader Hyacinth at Yatendi Village in Jahai Bluffs”.
Go to Yatendi Village Waypoint and go South/East, speak with Trader Hyacinth [Volatile Magic Collector] and purchase the Lubinella Cadentis Silk for 5, 250 and 250
6. Deldrimor Rivets
“Purchase from Kynon at the Forge in Thunderhead Peaks”.
Go to Observation Deck Waypoint and go West, speak with Kynon [Volatile Magic Collector] and purchase the Delrimor Rivets for 5, 250
and 250
7. Mist-Infused Saddle Oil
“Purchase from the Traveling Elonian Trader at Pact Command in Dragonfall”.
Go to Pact Command Waypoint and go North, speak with Traveling Elonian Trader [Volatile Magic Collector] and purchase the Mist-Infused Saddle Oil for 5, 250
and 250
Skyscale Saddle
1 AP
Continue with Skyscale Flight.