Skyscale of Fire

1. The Nature of Fire

“Speak with Grand Elder Fire Djinn Naayih or the Grandmaster Elder Djinn Emine at Zagonur Cliffs in the Domain of Vabbi. Defeat nearby foes to draw the djinn out.

You should have completed this at the Skyscale of Water step #1.

2. Fires of the Legion

“Get burned by lava in the Great Imperial Smelter in the Black Citadel”.

Go to Junker’s Waypoint and then go South/East, jump over the fence and glide down into the smelter to recieve the Fires of the Legion.

3. Fires of the Mountain

“Get burned by lava within Mount Maelstrom”.

Go to Maelstrom’s Waypoint and then go North, stand in the lava to recieve the Fires of the Mountain.

4. Fires of a God

“Get burned by lava in the Heart in the Domain of Vabbi”.

Go to Vehjin Palace Waypoint and then go South, destroy the gate when its up to get in, go down and walk into any of the furnaces to recieve Fires of a God.

5. Fires of the Depths

“Get Burned by lava in the fire chamber in Derelict Delve in Desert Highlands”.

Go to Derelict Delve Waypoint and then go South, Complete the Rune-Locked Door achievement if not done yet. Enter room 2 and go down, stand in the lava to recieve Fires of the Depths.


Skyscale of Fire
1 AP

Continue with Skyscale of Ice.