To start your journey in making the Legendary Precursor Bard and perhaps the Legendary Minstrel afterwards, you will have to perform various tasks.
You will start with the first tier precursor for building Bard.
Total costs: 5 7
and 25.018
And the following materials: 2 5
First you have to unlock the, The Minstrel 1: The Experimental Focus Collection, you will need to have the first line trained in The Legendary Crafting Mastery to be able to buy the required item to start.
When you have the first line completed you are allowed to speak with Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs [Legendary Crafting].
Go to Trader’s Forum Waypoint [&BBAEAAA=] and walk West, speak with Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs [Legendary Crafting] and buy the Minstrel Vol. 1 for 5 and 10,003
Now use the item and you will have the collection unlocked.
1: The first item needed for our collection is: Egg on Your Face.
“Get hit by a Risen Chicken’s egg”.
Go to Meddler’s Waypoint [&BB4DAAA=] and start walking North, get close to the Veteran Risen Chicken and let yourself get hit by its Shoot Egg attack. (Keep note the event “Slay the veteran Risen chicken that’s chasing Priory Scholar Zepa” has to be active)
2: The next item for our collection is: Chickenado.
“Save the chickens trapped in the dust-mite twister in Dry Top”.
Go to Restoration Refugee Waypoint [&BIgHAAA=] and walk North, you will get this item as drop from the Chickenado after completing the event. (Keep note the event “Save the chickens trapped in the dust mite twister” has to be active, only during sandstorms, starts at XX:50 server time/10:00 minutes left of sandstorm)
Chickenado will be up in:
[ujicountdown id=”Guild Wars 2 Chickenado” expire=”2016/03/01 16:50″ hide=”false” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”1″ rectype=”hour” repeats=””]
3: Chicken Scrambler.
“Get turned into a chicken by the Skritt Burgler”.
Only Skritt burglar’s in Kryta and the Silverwastes will transform you into a chicken when hit. The chest that spawns the Skritt Burglar has many spawn locations. Below you will find 1 Krytan location, West of Archen Foreland Waypoint [&BKMBAAA=] and 1 Silverwastes location, West of Camp Resolve Waypoint [&BH8HAAA=]. Interact with the chest to start the event and walk behind it to get hit by a transformation flask.
Kryta Locations:
- Altar’s Windings, north-west of
Vale Waypoint half way up the Harpy trail under the Veteran Harpy nest.
- Orlaf Escarpments, northwest of
Cliffwatch Camp.
- The Heartwoods, on top of the small cliff between
Altar Brook Crossing and
Greatheart Weald. A Toxic Offshoot may spawn nearby, making this location particularly challenging.
- The Heartwoods, south of
Greatheart Weald, inside an opened bear cave.
- The Heartwoods, outside the east spider cave entrance east of Township of Claypool, close to an opened Centaur tent.
Kessex Hills
- Darkwound Defile, inside a spider cave behind an abandoned building, southeast of
Darkwound Waypoint.
- Earthworks Bluff, next to the flames of the largest structure inside the camp.
- Manefire Hills, inside a tent at
Kenna’s Bandits, next to Veteran Centaur Trainer.
- Lychcroft Mere, on a boardwalk outside the building surrounded by bandits, northeast of
Shadowheart Site waypoint.
- Overlord’s Greatcamp, on the back wall inside the largest centaur camp on top of the hill.
Gendarran Fields
- Almuten Mansion, against the outside of the southeast courtyard wall.
- Ascalon Settlement, just outside the east gate next to the
Ascalon Settlement waypoint.
- Amaranth Grotto, just in front of the rock dog cage.
- Shiverspur Front, north-east of
Molenheide, just outside in the middle between the three craters in the dredge’s mining operation and directly north of the nearby renown heart.
- Traveler’s Dale, by wall outside of fort at
First Haven waypoint, runs west into mines with spiders. May also run south into The Lawen Ponds.
Bloodtide Coast
- Challdar Gorges, northeast of
Challdar’s Nest.
- Wraithwalker Woods, inside a cave at
Gleaner’s Archway.
- Momoztli Grounds, east of
Broken Beacon under the stone bridge. It is technically in Archen Foreland, but closer to Momoztli Grounds on the map.
- Remanda Saltmarsh, west of
Bloody Bill’s Base.
- Risewild Hills, southeast of
Lorantl Grounds, on a small cliff under a large, twisted tree
Silverwastes Locations:
- Central Silverwastes, in front of a pile of rocks just northeast of
Wingspan Arch.
- Central Silverwastes, west of
Wingspan Arch but east of
Amber Sandfall.
- Central Silverwastes, northeast of
Amber Sandfall in the canyon with the
Strange Pillar.
- Northern Silverwastes, southeast of
Blue Oasis and northeast of the Skritt Tunnel that takes you to the Far Silverwastes.
- Southeastern Silverwastes, immediately southwest of
Red Rock Bastion.
- Southwestern Silverwastes, northwest of
Amber Sandfall just west of the
Strange Pillar.
4: Out of Cluck.
“Complete the Out of Cluck achievement: While inside the Urban Battleground Fractal, kill all of the chickens in the city (Scale 1)”.
You will get this item after completing the Out of Cluck achievement inside the Urban Battleground Fractal, for this achievement you will have to kill all chickens inside.
5: Not Cage-Free.
“Put a chicken back in its cage in Degun Shun in Blazeridge Steppes”.
Go to Expanse Waypoint [&BP4BAAA=] and walk East, pickup one of the Chickens wandering around there and put it in a Chicken Cage.
6: Rotten Eggs.
“Throw a karka egg at the Karka Queen in Southsun Cove”.
Pickup a egg from the ground during this fight and trow it at the Karka Queen.
The Karka Queen is a world boss in Southsun Cove, to see when its up click here.
7: Raven Eggs.
“Return a raven egg to a nest in Wayfarer Foothills”.
Go to Hero’s Moot Waypoint [&BHMBAAA=] and walk West, you will get this item as drop from Skelks in this region. After looting a Raven Egg walk to a Raven Roost interact with it and select “Place egg back in the roost”.
8: Mini-moa Egg.
“Watch the moa dance! Purchased from Moa Trainer Kappa in Beetletun. Queensdale after escorting her and her pygmy moas”.
Go to Beetletun Waypoint [&BPoAAAA=] and walk North/East, if the event is not completed you will have to do the event first (Escort Moa Trainer Kappa and her pygmy moas to Beetletun).
Speak with Moa Trainer Kappa and purchase the item “Mini-moa Egg” for 2 16
, and use it.
If Moa trainer Kappa is not there you will have to do the event “Escort Moa Trainer Kappa and her pygmy moas to Beetletun” you can find the start of this event at the North/West of Krytan Waypoint [&BPgAAAA=].
9: Moa Egg Omelet.
“Purchase this common egg dish from Ainne in the Grove, Bryndora in Hoelbrak, Caeve in the Black Citadel or Elnor in Lion’s Arch”.
Go to Peeta’s Waypoint [&BI8DAAA=] and walk East/South. Speak with Bryndora and purchase the 2nd item “Moa Egg Omelet” for 48 , and consume it.
10: Griffon Egg Omelet.
“Purchase the recipe for this egg dish from Pochtecatl, near the Jelako Cliffrise of Bloodtide Coast, after defending him while he gathers griffon eggs”.
Go to Jelako Waypoint [&BK8BAAA=] and walk North/East, if the event is not completed you will have to do the event first (Defend Pochtecatl as he travels to gather griffon eggs).
Speak with Pochtecatl and purchase the 2nd item “Recipe: Griffon Egg Omelet” for 3 68
Use the recipe on a character where you have trained the crafting profession Chef, with crafting lvl 225+. After that visit a Cooking station, here you can craft the new learned recipe (Griffon Egg Omelet), after making 1 consume it to complete this step.
11: Drottot’s Poached Egg.
“Purchase the recipe for this egg dish from Drottot Lashtail near the Devourer’s Mouth in Plains of Ashford”.
Go to Greysteel Armory Waypoint [&BIEBAAA=] and walk East, if the event is not completed you will have to do the event first (Lure out devourers to get at their eggs).
Speak with Drottot Lashtail and and purchase the item “Recipe: Drottot’s Poached Eggs” for 16 .
Use the recipe on a character where you have trained the crafting profession Chef, with crafting lvl 5+. After that visit a Cooking station, here you can craft the new learned recipe (Drottot’s Poached Eggs), after making 1 consume it to complete this step.
12: Eggs Beetletun.
“Purchase the recipe for this egg dish from Assistant Chef Victor on the Scaver Plateau in Queensdale after collecting skale eggs for him”.
Go to Scaver Waypoint [&BEUDAAA=] and walk South, if the event is not completed you will have to do the event first (Collect skale eggs for Assistant Chef Victor).
Speak with Assistant Chef Victor and and purchase the item “Recipe: Eggs Beetletun” for 80 .
Use the recipe on a character where you have trained the crafting profession Chef. After that visit a Cooking station, here you can craft the new learned recipe (Eggs Beetletun), after making 1 consume it to complete this step.
13: Swiftly Scrambled Eggs.
“Purchase the recipe for this egg dish from Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs”.
Go to Trader’s Forum Waypoint [&BBAEAAA=] and walk West. Speak with Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs, click on the 5th tab and purchase the item “Recipe: Swiftly Scrambled Eggs” for 5,005 .
Use the recipe on a character where you have trained the crafting profession Chef, with crafting lvl 400. After that visit a Cooking station, here you can craft the new learned recipe (Swiftly Scrambled Eggs (Exotic)), after making 1 consume it to complete this step.
You will get the Swift Egg item as drop from Three-Toed Tootsie in Dry Top (Champion).
Go to Prosperity Waypoint [&BBAEAAA=] and walk South, use a Aspect of the Wind Crystal to get to the other side West.
You will find Three-Toed Tootsie patrolling the area there defeat it to obtain the Swift Egg (Only when there is no Sandstorm).
14: Quiche of Darkness.
“Purchase the recipe for this egg dish from Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs”.
Go to Trader’s Forum Waypoint [&BBAEAAA=] and walk West. Speak with Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs, click on the 5th tab and purchase the item “Recipe: Swiftly Quiche of Darkness” for 5,005 .
Use the recipe on a character where you have trained the crafting profession Chef, with crafting lvl 400. After that visit a Cooking station, here you can craft the new learned recipe (Quiche of Darkness (Exotic)), after making 1 consume it to complete this step.
You will get the Egg of Darkness item as drop from Veteran Beak of Darkness (Veteran) in Snowden Drifts.
Go to Highpass Haven Waypoint [&BLUAAAA=] and walk North, when the event “Defeat Beak of Darkness and its darkwing defenders” is active, defeat the Beark of Darkness and you will recieve the Egg of Darkness as drop.
When the event “Defeat Beak of Darkness and its darkwing defenders” is not active, search for a Wounded Moa in the area and attack it, this will start the event.
15: Egg in a Cloud.
“Purchase the recipe for this egg dish from Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs”.
Go to Trader’s Forum Waypoint [&BBAEAAA=] and walk West. Speak with Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs, click on the 5th tab and purchase the item “Recipe: Egg in a Cloud” for 5,005 .
Use the recipe on a character where you have trained the crafting profession Chef, with crafting lvl 400. After that visit a Cooking station, here you can craft the new learned recipe (Egg in a Cloud (Exotic)), after making 1 consume it to complete this step.
You will get the Egg of Winds item as drop from Keeper of Winds (Veteran) in Mount Maelstrom.
Go to Irwin Isle Waypoint [&BNICAAA=] jump on the Launch Pad and walk East, when the event “Defeat the keeper of Winds” is active, defeat the Keeper of Winds and you will recieve the Egg of Winds as drop.
3 Achievement Points, Chest of Chickens and Eggs.
This chest contains the recipe to craft Bard (First Tier), which requires Artificer (450), Huntsman (450) or Weaponsmith (450).
And a Essence of Chickens and Eggs.
To craft the required items you will need the following materials:
Bard Experiment Requires:
- 1
Experimental Focus Core
- 1
Experimental Focus Casing
- 1
Legendary Inscription
- 1
Essence of Chickens and Eggs
Experimental Focus Core [&AgEuJAEA] Requires:
- 2
Spiritwood Planks
- 50
Memory of Battle
- 50
Shard of Glory
Experimental Focus Casing [&AgFMGgEA] Requires:
- 3
Spiritwood Planks
- 50
Memory of Battle
- 50
Shard of Glory
Legendary Inscription [&CcooAAA=] Requires:
- 10
Glob of Ectoplasm
- 5
Pile of Crystalline Dust
- 1
Orichalcum Plated Dowel
- 10
Elonian Leather Square