Take off With a Super Holo-Copter Glider Combo!

Holo-tech always makes me a little nervous. It’s not like iron,black-flag
where you can be sure what you’re standing on. And the
Super Adventure Box? Imagine thinking you were in a solid,
three-dimensional space, and then some glitch happens and
you’re stuck inside a mountain—or falling into nothingness,
revealing reality as nothing but a hollow facade, cleverly
designed to fool your senses. Interesting stuff, but I’ll stay
right here in the real world, thank you very much.

Evon signature




5a0baMTX_SAB_CopterSuper Holo-Copter Glider Combo

Don’t let the fact that it’s made of light and
good feelings stop you from using our
newest glider to carry you safely to the
ground the next time you jump off a cliff. It’s
stylish and practical—just don’t tilt your
head too far back.*


13d2eMTX_SAB_LoggingBearSuper Adventure Logging Bear

Only you can prevent running out of tree-
chopping implements when you’re out in
the woods. Gather up one of these
permanent tools, and collect your lumber
with super efficiency.


24631Bunny_EarsWide Rim Glasses and Bunny Ears Return!

Some of our most popular helms are back
for a limited time…all the better to see and
hear you with.



Available Now in the Gem Store!

Log into Guild Wars 2 and press ‘O’ to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!

*The Black Lion Trading Company is not responsible for injury or death resulting from placing extremities inside the radius of an operational Super Holo-Copter Glider. Please exercise caution when handling the blades.

Super Holo-Copter Glider Combo: 700Gem
Super Adventure Logging Bear: 1000Gem
Wide Rum Glasses: 150Gem
Bunny Ears: 200Gem