To start your journey in making the Legendary Precursor Rodgort’s Flame and perhaps the Legendary Rodgort afterwards, you will have to perform various tasks.
You will start with the first tier precursor for building Rodgort’s Flame.
Total costs: 5 and 10.003
First you have to unlock the, Rodgort 1: The Experimental Torch Collection, you will need to have the first line trained in The Legendary Crafting Mastery to be able to buy the required item to start.
When you have the first line completed you are allowed to speak with Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs [Legendary Crafting].
Go to Trader’s Forum Waypoint [&BBAEAAA=] and walk West, speak with Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs [Legendary Crafting] and buy the, Rodgort Vol. 1 for 5 and 10,003
Now use the item and you will have the collection unlocked.
After every step you can go to Havoc Waypoint [&BBsCAAA=] and walk South/East, and interract with the Cauldron to burn the item you’ve recieved after completing a step. However you can also just save all the items in your inventory and burn them all together in the end after collecting all required items.
1: The first item needed for our collection is: Burn a Heart of a Flame Effigy.
“Burn a Heart of the Flame Effigy in the cauldron at Division Shrine in Fireheart Rise”.
Go to Simurgh Waypoint [&BCUCAAA=] and walk East/North, you will get this item as drop from Veteran Flame Legion Effigy in this area. (Keep note the event “Track down and kill the effigies in Amduat Point with Grathzion” has to be active)
You can combine this with Step 2, by killing Ember in the area. With Step 3 by killing Fire Imp, and Step 6 by killing Flame Legion in the Area.
2: The next item for our collection is: Burn a Heart of an Ember.
“Burn a Heart of an Ember in the cauldron at Division Shrine in Fireheart Rise”.
Go to Simurgh Waypoint [&BCUCAAA=] and walk East/North, you will get this item as drop from Ember in this area.
You can skip this step if you combined the previous ones.
3: Burn a Heart of a Fire Imp.
“Burn a Heart of a Fire Imp in the cauldron at Division Shrine in Fireheart Rise”.
Go to Simurgh Waypoint [&BCUCAAA=] and walk East/North, you will get this item as drop from Fire Imp in this area.
You can skip this step if you combined the previous ones.
4: Burn a Heart of a Fire Elemental.
“Burn a Heart of a Fire Elemental in the cauldron at Division Shrine in Fireheart Rise”.
Go to Muridian Waypoint [&BEcAAAA=] and walk West/North, you will get this item as drop from Fire Elemental (World Boss). (Keep note the Group Event “Destroy the fire elemental created from chaotic energy fusing with the C.L.E.A.N. 5000’s energy core.” has to be active) Fire Elemental is a world boss in Metrica Province.
Fire Elemental will be up in:
[ujicountdown id=”Guild Wars 2 World Boss Timer” expire=”2016/03/01 14:45″ hide=”false” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”2″ rectype=”hour” repeats=””]
5: Burn the Heart of a Destroyer.
“Burn a Destroyer Lodestone in the cauldron at Division Shrine in Fireheart Rise”.
Go to the cauldron while having 1 Destroyer Lodestone in your inventory.
6: Burn a Essence of Fire Magic.
“Burn an Essence of Fire Magic in the cauldron at Division Shrine in Fireheart Rise”.
Go to Simurgh Waypoint [&BCUCAAA=] and walk East, you will get this item as drop from Flame Legion in this area.
You can skip this step if you combined the previous ones.
7: Burn Tequatl’s Eye.
“Burn Tequatl’s Eye in the cauldron at Division Shrine in Fireheart Rise”.
Go to Splintered Coast Waypoint [&BNABAAA=] and walk South, you will get this item as drop from Tequatl the Sunless (World Boss). (Keep note the Group Event “Defeat Tequatl the Sunless” has to be active) Tequatl the Sunless is a world boss in Sparkfly Fen, see World Boss Timer for when it will be active.
8: Burn a Claw of Jormag’s Scale.
“Burn Claw of Jormag’s Scale in the cauldron at Division Shrine in Fireheart Rise”.
Go to Earthshake Waypoint [&BHoCAAA=] and walk West, you will get this item as drop from Claw of Jormag (World Boss). (Keep note the Group Event “Defeat the Claw of Jormag” has to be active) Claw of Jormag is a world boss in Frostgorge Sound, see World Boss Timer for when it will be active.
9: Burn the Shatterer’s Crystal.
“Burn the Shatterer’s Crystal in the cauldron at Division Shrine in Fireheart Rise”.
Go to Lowland Burns Waypoint [&BE4DAAA=] and walk North, you will get this item as drop from the The Shatterer (World Boss). (Keep note the Group Event “Slay the Shatterer” has to be active) The Shatterer is a world boss in Blazeridge Steppes, see World Boss Timer for when it will be active.
10: Burn the Vinewrath’s Petals.
“Burn the Vinewrath’s Petals in the cauldron at Division Shrine in Fireheart Rise”.
Go to Camp Resolve Waypoint [&BH8HAAA=] and walk West, you will get this item as drop from the Vinewrath (World Boss). (Keep note the Group Event “Defeat the Mordrem Vinewrath’s champion” has to be active) the Vinewrath is a world boss in the Silverwastes.
11: Burn a Heart of the Megadestroyer.
“Burn a Heart of the Megadestroyer in the cauldron at Division Shrine in Fireheart Rise”.
Go to Maelstrom’s Waypoint [&BM0CAAA=] and walk North, you will get this item as drop from Megadestroyer (World Boss). (Keep note the Group Event “Kill the megadestroyer before it blows everyone up” has to be active) Megadestroyer is a world boss in Mount Maelstrom, see World Boss Timer for when it will be active.
Now you can burn all the items at the Division Shrine Cauldron.
3 Achievement Points, Chest of the Bonfire.
This chest contains the recipe to craft Rodgort’s Flame (First Tier), which requires Artificer (450), Huntsman (450) or Weaponsmith (450).
And a Essence of the Bonfire.
To craft the required items you will need the following materials:
Rodgort’s Flame Experiment [&CcsnAAA=] Requires:
- 1
Experimental Torch Head
- 1
Experimental Torch Handle
- 1
Legendary Inscription
- 1
Essence of the Bonfire
Experimental Torch Head [&CScnAAA=] Requires:
- 2
Deldrimor Steel Ingot
- 50
Memory of Battle
- 50
Shard of Glory
Experimental Torch Handle [&CT0nAAA=] Requires:
- 2
Spiritwood Plank
- 50
Memory of Battle
- 50
Shard of Glory
Legendary Inscription [&CcooAAA=] Requires:
- 10
Glob of Ectoplasm
- 5
Pile of Crystalline Dust
- 1
Orichalcum Plated Dowel
- 10
Elonian Leather Square