To start your journey in making the Legendary Precursor Colossus and perhaps the Legendary Juggernaut afterwards, you will have to perform various tasks.
You will start with the first tier precursor for building Colossus.
Total costs: 5 and 10.003
First you have to unlock the, The Juggernaut 1: The Experimental Hammer Collection, you will need to have the first line trained in The Legendary Crafting Mastery to be able to buy the required item to start.
When you have the first line completed you are allowed to speak with Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs [Legendary Crafting].
Go to Trader’s Forum Waypoint [&BBAEAAA=] and walk West, speak with Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs [Legendary Crafting] and buy the Juggernaut Vol. 1 for 5 and 10,003
Now use the item and you will have the collection unlocked.
1: The first item needed for our collection is: Ponder the Mighty Oouo.
“Ponder the Mighty Oouo rock formation in the Guilty Tears region of Timberline Falls”.
Go to Ogduk Waypoint [&BE0CAAA=] and start walking East, stand on the central orange lined stone at the rock formation and write /ponder.
2: The next item for our collection is: Ponder the Godskull.
“Ponder the Godskull rock formation found in the Apostate Wastes region of Fireheart Rise”.
Go to Apostate Waypoint [&BB0CAAA=] and walk South, stand in front of the rock formation close to where the Wupwup villagers are standing and write /ponder.
3: Ponder the Ascalonian Statue.
“Ponder the statue of an Ascalonian Hero inside the Urban Battleground Fractal (Scale 1)”.
You will find this Statue at the end of the Urban Battleground Fractal stand in front of the Statue and write /ponder. (keep note that you have to do this before the Fire Caller destroys the statue)
4: Ponder the Wytchmire.
“Ponder the twisted faces formed by the rotting trees of Wychmire Swamp in Caledon Forest”.
Go to Twilight Arbor Waypoint [&BEEFAAA=] and walk South, stand in front of the twisted faces and write /ponder.
5: Ponder the Temple of Ages.
“Ponder the ruins of the Temple of Ages in Queensdale”.
Go to Godlost Waypoint [&BPwAAAA=] and walk West, stand on the Temple of Ages plateau and write /ponder.
6: Ponder Serenity Temple.
“Ponder the Serenity Temple in the Blazeridge Steppes”.
Go to Kinar Fort Waypoint [&BFADAAA=] and walk East, stand in the center of the Serenity Temple and write /ponder.
7: Ponder Lord Beetlestone.
“Ponder the statue of Lord Beetlestone found in Beetletun in Queensdale”.
Go to Beetletun Waypoint [&BPoAAAA=] and walk West, stand in stand in front of the Lord Beetlestone statue and write /ponder.
8: Ponder Jora.
“Ponder the Statue of Jora found at the Wurmhowl Spikes of the Wayfarer Foothills”.
Go to Crossroads Haven Waypoint [&BHkBAAA=] and walk South/East, stand in stand in front of the Jora statue and write /ponder.
9: Ponder Ferro the Butcher.
“Ponder the statue of Ferro the Butcher that was erected in the Black Citadel”.
Go to Diessa Gate Waypoint [&BKgDAAA=] and walk South/East, stand in stand in front of the Ferro the Butcher statue and write /ponder.
10: Ponder Kalla Scorchrazor.
“Ponder the statue of Kalla Scorchrazor that was erected in the Black Citadel”.
Go to Memorial Waypoint [&BKYDAAA=] and walk North, stand in stand in front of the Kalla Scorchrazor statue and write /ponder.
11: Ponder Boles Deathrain.
“Ponder the statue of Boles Deathrain that was erected in the Black Citadel”.
Go to Diessa Gate Waypoint [&BKgDAAA=] and walk South, stand in stand in front of the Boles Deathrain statue and write /ponder.
12: Ponder Nox Darkheart.
“Ponder the statue of Nox Darkheart that was erected in the Black Citadel”.
Go to Memorial Waypoint [&BKYDAAA=] and walk North/West, stand in stand in front of the Nox Darkheart statue and write /ponder.
12: Ponder Ofela Soulcleave.
“Ponder the statue of Ofela Soulcleave that was erected in the Black Citadel”.
Go to Memorial Waypoint [&BKYDAAA=] and walk North, stand in stand in front of the Ofela Soulcleave statue and write /ponder.
13: Ponder Violo Raptorgaze.
“Ponder the statue of Violo Raptorgaze that was erected in the Black Citadel”.
Go to Memorial Waypoint [&BKYDAAA=] and walk West, stand in stand in front of the Violo Raptorgaze statue and write /ponder.
14: Ponder Stonewright’s Steading.
“Ponder the statuary created by Eir Stegalkin in Stonewright’s Steading”.
Go to Eastern Watchpost Waypoint [&BI0DAAA=] and walk South, there you will find a instance entry Stonewright’s Steading. In the instance walk West towards the statues and write /ponder.
15: Ponder the Ossan Statue.
“Ponder the Elonian statue overlooking the entrance to the Ossan District of Divinity’s Reach”.
Go to Ossan Waypoint [&BC0DAAA=] and walk South/West, stand in stand in front of the Ossan Statue and write /ponder.
16: Ponder the Rurikton Statues.
“Ponder the statues decorating the Rurikton disctrict of Divinity’s Reach”.
Go to Rurikton Waypoint [&BCsDAAA=] and walk East, stand in stand in front of the Rurikton statues and write /ponder.
17: Ponder the Cobiah Marriner Statue.
“Ponder the Cobiah Marriner statue in the memorial to the fallen in Lion’s Arch”.
Go to Western Ward Waypoint [&BC4EAAA=] and walk South/West, stand in stand in front of the Cobiah Marriner statue and write /ponder.
18: Ponder the Victory Cenotaph.
“Ponder the Victory Cenotaph erected at Charr’s Triumph in the Plains of Ashford”.
Go to Temperus Point Waypoint [&BIMBAAA=] and walk South/East, stand in stand in front of the Victory Cenotaph statue and write /ponder.
19: Ponder the Ebonhawke Memorial.
“Ponder the memorial statue located within the fortress of Ebonhawke”.
Go to Fallen Angels Garrison Waypoint [&BFEBAAA=] and walk East, stand in stand in front of the Ebonhawke Memorial statue and write /ponder.
20: Ponder the Cleansed Balthazar Temple.
“Ponder the statue of Balthazar after cleansing the Cathedral of Glorious Victory”.
Go to Glorious Victory Waypoint [&BPoCAAA=] and walk South, stand in stand in front of the Balthazar statue and write /ponder. (Keep note temple has to be cleansed)
21: Ponder the Cleansed Lyssa Temple.
“Ponder the Cathedral of Eternal Radiance after cleansing it of Orrian corruption”.
Go to Lyssa Waypoint [&BK0CAAA=] and walk West, stand in stand in the central area and write /ponder. (Keep note temple has to be cleansed)
22: Ponder the Cleansed Dwayna Temple.
“Ponder the Cathedral of Zephyrs after cleansing it of Orrian corruption”.
Go to Tempest Waypoint [&BLACAAA=] and walk East, stand in stand in the central area and write /ponder. (Keep note temple has to be cleansed)
23: Ponder the Cleansed Melandru Temple.
“Ponder the Cathedral of Verance after cleansing it of Orrian corruption”.
Go to Verdance Waypoint [&BLACAAA=] and walk North, stand in stand in the central area and write /ponder. (Keep note temple has to be cleansed)
24: Ponder the Cleansed Grenth Temple.
“Ponder the Cathedral of Silence after cleansing it of Orrian corruption”.
Go to Murdered Dreams Waypoint [&BCIDAAA=] and walk West, stand in stand in the central area and write /ponder. (Keep note temple has to be cleansed)
25: Kneel before the Nageling Giant.
“Kneel before the Champion Giant when he attacks the town of Nageling in Diessa Plateau”.
Go to Nageling Waypoint [&BN0AAAA=] and walk inside the Town of Nageling, you will find the Champion Giant wandering inside there, when your in front of him write /kneel. (Keep note the event “Defeat the giant assaulting the Town of Nageling” has to be active)
26: Kneel before the Mighty Kol.
“Kneel before Kol Skullsmasher, who resides near the Hidden Ourobon in the Harathi Hinterlands”.
Go to Barricade Waypoint [&BK0AAAA=] and walk East/North, you will find the Champion Kol Skullsmasher wandering inside the Hidden Ourobon cave, when your in front of him write /kneel. (Keep note the event “Help Shining Blade Kimber defeat Kol Skullsmasher” has to be active)
27: Kneel before the Legendary Sand Giant.
“Kneel before the Legendary Sand Giant in the Unswept Uplands of Dry Top”.
Go to Vine Bridge Waypoint [&BIYHAAA=] and walk East, you will find the Legendary Sand Giant wandering wandering around here, when your in front of him write /kneel. (Keep note the event “Defeat the legendary giant before the sandstorm dissipates” has to be active, during sandstorms only)
28: Kneel before Gort.
“Kneel before Gort, who resides in Kessex Hills near the Cereboth Canyon”.
Go to Cereboth Waypoint [&BBIAAAA=] and walk North, you will find the Gort inside the cave, when your in front of him write /kneel. (Keep note the event “Clear ettins from Gort’s Pit for Gort” has to be completed)
29: Kneel before Tomtom.
“Kneel before Tomtom, who resides in Lornar’s Pass near Stonescatter Wash”.
Go to False Lake Waypoint [&BOgAAAA=] and walk South, you will have to enter the Griffonrook Run Jumping Puzzle, interact with the Teleportation Stone, this will bring you up at a building.
Jump on the roof of the building and aim for the ledge, jump down at the area below, after that you can just walk straight forward and you will find Tomtom on your left. When your in front of him write /kneel.
30: Kneel before the Colossus.
“Kneel before the Colossus in the Cliffside Fractal after freeing him from his bonds (Scale 7)”.
You can do this at the end of the Cliffside Fractal Fractal stand towards his direction and write /kneel.
3 Achievement Points, Chest of the Collosal.
This chest contains the recipe to craft The Colossus (First Tier), which requires Artificer (450), Huntsman (450) or Weaponsmith (450).
And a Essence of the Collosal.
To craft the required items you will need the following materials:
The Colossus Experiment [&CuwnAAA=] Requires:
- 1
Experimental Hammer Head
- 1
Experimental Hammer Haft
- 1
Legendary Inscription
- 1
Essence of the Collosal
Experimental Hammer Head [&CrArAAA=] Requires:
- 15
Deldrimor Steel Ingot
- 100
Memory of Battle
- 100
Shard of Glory
Experimental Hammer Haft [&CggsAAA=] Requires:
- 10
Spiritwood Plank
- 100
Memory of Battle
- 100
Shard of Glory
Legendary Inscription [&CsooAAA=] Requires:
- 10
Glob of Ectoplasm
- 5
Pile of Crystalline Dust
- 1
Orichalcum Plated Dowel
- 10
Elonian Leather Square