New Hair Colors, Dominator Weapon Set, and Classical Glider in the Gem Store!

Our daily sales continue to march on. Every day this monthblack-flag
brings a new sale! We’ve negotiated with the Havoc’s Heir
crew to remove the safety railings from their airship, and so
today only we’re offering a discount on the Permanent
Airship Pass as the newest gliding destination in central
Tyria. We also have new items to accompany our daily deal.
Enjoy a new glider, a new weapon set, and new hair colors!

Evon signature





Classical Glider

Simple and elegant, this glider is best suited
to those who favor extremely well crafted
and practical things.



Dominator Weapon Set9a7dbDominator

This aggressive weapon makes an
intimidating impression on the battlefield.



1f285New-DyesNew Hair Colors

We’ve got brand new hair colors in every
Total Makeover Kit and Self-Style Hair Kit.
Reinvent yourself just before spring!



Available Now in the Gem Store!

Log into Guild Wars 2 and press ‘O’ to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!