Mursaat Robes, Mursaat Backpack and Glider Combo, and New Hair Colors!

If you’re headed off to parts unknown today, don’t leave the safety of Lion’s Arch without taking a look at some of my newest items. They’re as mysterious as the Eye of black-flagJanthir and at least one hundred times more useful. Guaranteed!

Evon signature







a657bMursaat_ArmorMursaat Robes

This replica mursaat garb is just as
impressive as the real thing. It doesn’t
include a fanatical following or the ability to
glide through the air, but you can always pair
it with our…


Mursaat Backpack and88c6cMursaat_Wings
Glider Combo

Descend from on high with these
otherworldly appendages. They’ll look
chilling, whether they’re sprouting from
your shoulders or carrying you safely to the

12729Hair_9-20New Hair Colors

It’s the season of change, so what better
time for a new look? Bold autumn shades
are in!



Available Now in the Gem Store!

Log into Guild Wars 2 and press ‘O’ to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!

Mursaat Robes: 700 Gem
Mursaat Backpack and Glider Combo: 700 Gem