To start your journey in making the Legendary Precursor Leaf of Kudzu and perhaps the Legendary Kudzu afterwards, you will have to perform various tasks.
You will start with the first tier precursor for building Leaf of Kudzu.
Total costs: 5 and 15.946
First you have to unlock the, Kudzu 1: The Experimental Longbow Collection you will need to have the first line trained in The Legendary Crafting Mastery to be able to buy the required item to start.
When you have the first line completed you are allowed to speak with Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs [Legendary Crafting].
Go to Trader’s Forum Waypoint [&BBAEAAA=] and walk West, speak with Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs [Legendary Crafting] and buy the Kudzu Vol. 1 for 5 and 10,003
Now use the item and you will have the collection unlocked.
1: The first item needed for our collection is: Terebinth Flower.
“Offered for purchase by the Heart of the Terebinth after succesfully recovering the Revered Terebinth from the Nightmare Court”.
Go to Wartchful Source Waypoint [&BFwAAAA=] and walk North, if the event is not completed you will have to do the event first (Recover the Revered Terebinth from the Nightmare Court).
Speak with Heart of the Terebinth and purchase the 2nd item “Terebrinth Flower” for 4998 .
2: The next item for our collection is: Red Iris Flower.
“Found in the Urban Battleground Fractal (Scale 1)”.
You will find this item in the final area of the Urban Battleground Fractal.
3: Blooming Artichoke.
“Harvested occasionally from artichokes”.
Go to Plinth Timerland Waypoint [&BFgGAAA=] and walk North/East up the hill, here you will find a field with 8 Artichoke nodes, gather them and you should recieve the Blooming Artichoke.
4: Beautiful Black Crocus.
“A perfect specimen picked from black crocus in Orr”.
There are no fields for this one, so go to Cursed Shore or Malchor’s Leap and search for them.
1 Always is North from Caer Shadowfain Waypoint [&BCEDAAA=], gather these nodes and you should recieve the Beatiful Black Crocus.
5: Cactus Flower.
“A perfect specimen picked from flowering cacti in the Maguuma Wastes”.
Go to Vine Bridge Waypoint [&BIYHAAA=] and walk North, here you will find a field with 4 Cactus nodes, you can also find them randomly anywhere on the Dry Top and Silverwastes map, gather them and you should recieve the Cactus Flower.
6: Delicate Passion Flower.
“A perfect specimen picked from the passiflora bushes of Southsun Cove”.
Go to Pearl Islet Waypoint [&BNUGAAA=] and walk North/West, here you will find ~10 Passiflora bushes, gather them and you should recieve the Delicate Passion Flower.
7: Tiny Vinewrath Blossom.
“Occasionally found growing as an offshoot from the Vinewrath in the Silverwastes”.
You will get this item from the chest after you have defeated Vinewrath [&BLcHAAA=].
8: Lotus Flower.
“A perfect specimen picked from the lotus plants of Orr”.
There are no fields for this one, so go to Cursed Shore or Malchor’s Leap and search for them, you will most likely find them close to water.
1 Always is South/West from Verdance Waypoint [&BBsDAAA=] gather these nodes and you should recieve the Lotus Flower.
9: Lovely Dandelion.
“This particular variety is only grown by the Mossman of the Swampland Fractal (Scale 2 Have to Activate the Challenge Mote)”.
You will find the Lovely Dandelion in the final area of the Mossman of the Swampland Fractal.
10: Foxglove.
“A very rare flower only found in Kessex Hills, within the Collapsed Observatory treasure room”.
Go to Cereboth Waypoint [&BBIAAAA=] and walk South, here you will have to complete the puzzle.
You will find the Foxglove next to the chest in the final area of The Collapsed Observatory jumping puzzle.
11: Crimson Sunflower.
“A very rare flower only found in Blazeridge Steppes, deep within Craze’s Folly”.
Go to Terra Carorunda Waypoint [&BAECAAA=] and walk North/East, here you will have to enter the puzzle.
You will find the Crimson Sunflower in the big room before the final chest area, inside the Craze’s Folly jumping puzzle.
12: Itlaocol’s Flower.
“Found growing in the Tears of Itlaocol treasure toom in Caledon Forest”.
Go to Falias Thorp Waypoint [&BD4BAAA=] and walk South, here you will have to complete the Tears of Itlaocol mini-dugeon.
You will find the Itlaocol’s Flower next to the chest in the final area of Itlaocol mini-dugeon.
13: Nrocroc Pressed Prickleberry Friendship Flower.
“Purchased from the Nrocroc Chief after helping the Nrocroc tribe surive so close the Flame lands”.
Go to Apostate Waypoint [&BB0CAAA=] and walk North, speak with Nrocroc Chief and purchase the 2nd item “Nrocroc Pressed Prickleberry Friendship Flower” for 945 . Do keep note that you can only purchase this after you have completed the renown heart, Help the Nrocroc tribe survive so close to Flame lands.
3 Achievement Points, Chest of Blooms.
This chest contains the recipe to craft Leaf of Kuzu (First Tier), which requires Huntsman (450).
And a Essence of Blooms.
To craft the required items you will need the following materials:
Kudzu Experiment [&CuUmAAA=] Requires:
- 1
Essence of Blooms
- 1
Experimental Longbow Stave
- 1
Experimental Longbow String
- 1
Essence of Artistry
Experimental Longbow Stave [&CkInAAA=] Requires:
- 20
Spiritwood Plank
- 100
Memory of Battle
- 100
Shard of Glory
Experimental Longbow String [&ClYpAAA=] Requires:
- 15
Elonian Leather Square
- 100
Memory of Battle
- 100
Shard of Glory
Legendary Inscription [&CsooAAA=] Requires:
- 10
Glob of Ectoplasm
- 5
Pile of Crystalline Dust
- 1
Orichalcum Plated Dowel
- 10
Elonian Leather Square