To start your journey in making the Legendary Precursor Prototype and perhaps the Legendary HOPE afterwards, you will have to perform various tasks.
You will start with the first tier precursor for building Prototype.
Total costs: 5 5
and 25,243
First you have to unlock the, HOPE 1: Research, you will need to have the first line trained in The Legendary Crafting Mastery to be able to buy the required item to start.
When you have the first line completed you are allowed to speak with Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs [Legendary Crafting].
Go to Trader’s Forum Waypoint [&BBAEAAA=] and walk West, speak with Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs [Legendary Crafting] and purchase the, HOPE Vol. 1 for 5 and 10,003
Now use the item and you will have the collection unlocked.
1: The first item needed for our collection is: Hylek Alchemy Apprentice Tome.
“Purchased from Atlalli, the Master Alchemist in the Hunting Banks of Timberline Falls”.
Go to Eztlitl Grounds Waypoint [&BEoCAAA=] and walk North/East, speak with Atlalli and select “I wish to learn hylek alchemy”.
2: The next item for our collection is: Hylek Alchemy Chapter 1: Poisons.
“Speak to Atlalli, the Master Alchemist in the Hunting Banks of Timberline Falls to start the Hylek Poison’s Test once you have crafted the Vial of Potent Hylek Poison”.
We skipping this step for now and complete the needed steps 3,4,5 and 6 first.
Go to Eztlitl Grounds Waypoint [&BEoCAAA=] and walk North/East, speak with Atlalli and select “I am ready to test my poisons”.
Now double-click the Vial of Potent Hylek Poison in your inventory, this will give you the Hylek Poison Coating buff. Attack Atlalli to complete this step.
Now we can continue with step 7.
3: Vial of Potent Hylek Poison.
“The secrets to crafting a quality hylek poison can be found among the alchemy supplies hidden in the treasure room of the Tears of Itlaocol in Calendon Forest”.
For this step we are going to have to complete the Tears of Itlaocol mini-dugeon.
Go to Falias Thorp Waypoint [&BD4BAAA=] and walk South towards Dengatl Grounds (PoI) [&BHQAAAA=], pick-up one of the boulders you can see lying around there and use the skill to throw it at the gong, this will open the gate.
Now that your inside just keep following the path North untill you reach a room with a gate blocking you from moving futher.
In this room on the ground you can find 9 pressure plates in a 3×3 pattern, and scattered glowing spheres called Tear of Itlaocol, which can be picked up and dropped on the pressure plates. A large rock representing a human face is suspended from the ceiling to the right of the gate, with bright dots on each cheek, representing the positions of the figure’s tears. The wall has four unlit torches, two on either side of the gate, and two further to the right of the suspended figure’s head. All four torches must be lit for the gate to open.
To solve the puzzle and open the gate, match the dot patterns on the cheeks by placing the Tear of Itlaocols on the corresponding pressure plates, starting with the left cheek pattern. Upon a successful match, the room will rumble and the torch to the left of the gate will light up. Repeat for the right cheek pattern to light a torch to the right of the gate. After lighting both torches, the patterns will change. Repeat the process for the next two torches and the gate will open.
(Check for lit torches before proceeding, as someone may have partially completed the puzzle before you arrived. Zero or two lit: start with left pattern. One or three: start with right one.)
After doing this you can find the Alchemy Supplies next to the chest, interact with them and select “Rummage through the supplies” this will give you the Recipe: Vial of Potent Hylek Poison. Now use the recipe on a character where you have trained the crafting profession Huntsman, with crafting lvl 400+.
4: Mosquito Blood.
“Harvested from Veteran Mosquitos in Caledon Forest”.
Go to Sleive’s Waypoint [&BP4FAAA=] and walk East, you will get this item as drop from the Female Mosquito (Veteran).
Keep note the event” (1st in cycle) Stop the Female mosquito before she reaches the male mosquito swarm” has to be active.
(When this event is not active but one of the following “(2nd in cycle) Defeat the Risen monstrosity”, (3th in cycle) Defend the sylvari tower from the Risen”, “(4th in cycle) Escort Agent Rexx as he delivers supplies to Warden spy Alarin” or ” (5th in cycle) Escort Brugh to Morgan’s Spiral” then complete these to progress towards the event you need (1st in cycle).
5: Deadly Nightshade.
“Found growing alone near the vista of Lightfoot Passage in Straits of Devastation”.
Go to Fort Trinity Waypoint [&BO4CAAA=] and walk South/East towards Cadrigan’s Jetty (PoI), you can find the Deadly Nightshade next to the Lightfoot Passage Vista Point, interact with the Deadly Nightshade and select “Carefully cut the flower near the ground”.
6: Hylek Dart Poison Gland.
“Found on Hylek of Morgatl Grounds in Caledon Forest”.
Go to Hamlet of Annwen Waypoint [&BD8BAAA=] and walk East towards Morgatl Grounds (PoI) [&BGsAAAA=], you will get this item as drop from Hylek in this area.
Now visit a Huntsman’s Station, here you can craft the new learned recipe (Vial of Potent Hylek Poison (Exotic)).
Now that we have completed step 3,4,5 and 6 we can jump back to the skipped step 2.
7: Hylek Alchemy Chapter 2: Healing Breath.
“Speak to Atlalli, the Master Alchemist in the Hunting Banks of Timberline Falls to start the Hylek Medicine’s Test once you have crafted the Vial of Healing Breath”.
We skipping this step for now and complete the needed steps 8,9,10,11,12 and 13 first.
Go to Eztlitl Grounds Waypoint [&BEoCAAA=] and walk North/East, speak with Atlalli and select “I am ready to test medicinals”.
Now double-click the Vial of Healing Breath in your inventory and use the skill on Atlalli to complete this step.
Now we can continue with step 14.
8: Vial of Healing Breath.
“Recipe purchased from Matlal after succesfully helping her collect truffles for her starving tribe in the Eukaryan Caves of Kessex Hills”.
Go to Ireko Tradecamp Waypoint [&BAoAAAA=] and walk North/East, speak with Matlal and purchase the last item “Recipe: Vial of Healing Breath” for 4,249 . (Keep note that you can only purchase this after you have completed the renown heart, Help Matlal collect truffles for her starving tribe).
Now use the recipe on a character where you have trained the crafting profession Huntsman, with crafting lvl 400+.
9: Michotl Tribe’s Herbs.
“Offered for purchase by Cook Huelic after helping the Michotl tribe within the Michoan Marsh of Metrica Province”.
Go to Michotl Grounds Waypoint [&BLEEAAA=] and walk South/East, speak with Michotl Flycook and purchase the last item “Michotl Tribe’s Herbs” for 1,071 . (Keep note that you can only purchase this after you have completed the renown heart, Help the Michotl tribe).
10: Jar of Wurmswort.
“Found in the Great Jungle Wurm’s chest in the Wychmire Swamp of Caledon Forest”.
Go to Twilight Arbor Waypoint [&BEEFAAA=] and walk South, you will get this item as drop from Great Jungle Wurm (World Boss). (Keep note the Group Event “Defeat the great jungle wurm.” has to be active) Great Jungle Wurm is a world boss in Caledon Forest.
Great Jungle Wurm will be up in:
[ujicountdown id=”Guild Wars 2 World Boss Timer” expire=”2016/07/01 15:15″ hide=”false” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”2″ rectype=”hour” repeats=””]
11: Raw Honey.
“Purchase from Fiona Hastings in the apiary near Claypool in Queensdale after succesfully defending her beehives from hungry bears”.
Go to Vale Waypoint [&BPQAAAA=] and walk South, speak with Fiona Hastings and Purchase the 2nd item “Raw Honey” for 5 28
When the event “Defend the beehives from hungry bears” is active then complete this first to turn Fiona Hastings into a Merchant.
12: Filtered Honey.
“Purchased from Atlalli, the Master Alchemist in the Hunting Banks of Timberline Falls”.
Go to Eztlitl Grounds Waypoint [&BEoCAAA=] and walk North/East, speak with Atlalli and purchase the 2nd item “Recipe: Filtered Honey” for 2,499 .
Now use the recipe on a character where you have trained the crafting profession Huntsman, with crafting lvl 400+.
13: Mamnoon Aloe.
“Speak with Nochtli in the Prospect Valley of Dry Top about how to find this rare aoe”.
Go to Prosperity Waypoint [&BHoHAAA=] and walk South, use a Aspect of the Wind Crystal to get to the other side West, speak with Nochtli and select “I am an apprentice Hylek alchemist, looking for a rare plant im this area”.
Now visit a Huntsman’s Station, here you can craft the new learned recipe (Filtered Honey (Exotic)).
Now that we have completed step 8,9,10,11,12 and 13 we can jump back to the skipped step 7.
14: Hylek Alchemy Chapter 3: Sun God’s Breath.
“Speak with Atlalli, the Master Alchemist in the Hunting Banks of Timberline Falls to start the Sun God’s Breath test once you have crafted the Sun God’s Breath Flask”.
We skipping this step for now and complete the needed steps 15,16,17,18 and 19 first.
Go to Eztlitl Grounds Waypoint [&BEoCAAA=] and walk North/East, speak with Atlalli and select “I am ready to test Sun God’s Breath”.
Now double-click the Sun God’s Breath Flask in your inventory and use the skill on the River Firefly, West from Atlalli.
Now we can continue with step 20.
15: Sun God’s Breath Flask.
“Offered for purchase by Cuadinti after helping him prepare Southwatch Post near the Astrozintli Forelands in Sparkfly Fen”.
Go to Zintl Holy Grounds Waypoint [&BMgBAAA=] and walk South, speak with Cuadinti and Purchase the last item “Recipe: Sun God’s Breath Flask” for 5,600 .
Now use the recipe on a character where you have trained the crafting profession Huntsman, with crafting lvl 400+.
16: Frog’s Breath.
“Found in Champion Mayatl the Fierce’s chest near the Temple of Ameyalli in Verdant Brink”.
Go to Jaka Itzel Waypoint [&BOAHAAA=] and walk South, make use of the boucing mushroom to jump to the other side, then make use of the bouncing mushroom to go up, speak with Itzel Bladedancer to spawn Champion Mayatl the Fierce when hes not up already.
You will recieve Frog’s Breath from the chest after defeating Champion Mayatl the Fierce.
17: Sun God’s Vial.
“Offered for purchase by Atzintli after helping the Atzintli and Zopatl tribes battle the krait in the Ventry Bay of Caledon Forest”.
Go to Sperrings Waypoint [&BDkBAAA=] and walk North, speak with Atzintli and purchase the 3th item “Sun God’s Vial” for 1,821 .
18: Fire Bug Larva.
“Attained from the Bugs in the Branches adventure of Jaka Itzel in Verdant Brink by reaching a rank of silver or better”.
Go to Shipwreck Waypoint [&BOQGAAA=] and walk North, complete the Bugs in the Branches adventure on rank silver or better.
You will recieve the Fire Bug Larva by opening the silver/gold reward chests.
19: Bloomhunger Sap.
“Harvested from the Bloomhunger in the Swamplands Fractal”.
You will get this item as drop after you have defeated Bloomhunger at the end of the Swamplands Fractal (Scale 2).
Now visit a Huntsman’s Station, here you can craft the new learned recipe (Sun God’s Breath Flask (Exotic)).
Now that we have completed step 15,16,17,18 and 19 we can jump back to the skipped step 14.
20: Complete Hylek Alchemy Tome.
“Complete this book by recording the three Hylek Alchemy Chapters in your Hylek Alchemy Apprentice Tome by passing each of Atlalli’s tests with the tome in your inventory”.
You will recieve this item after completing step 14.
3 Achievement Points, Chest of Concoctions.
This chest contains the recipe to craft Research (First Tier), which requires Huntsman (450).
And a Essence of Concoctions.
To craft the required items you will need the following materials:
Research [&Cb4qAAA=] Requires:
- 1
Experimental Pistol Barrel
- 1
Experimental Pistol Frame
- 1
Legendary Inscription
- 1
Essence of Ancient Knowledge
Experimental Pistol Barrel [&CTEtAAA=] Requires:
- 15
Spiritwood Plank
- 50
Memory of Battle
- 50
Shard of Glory
Experimental Pistol Frame [&CWAnAAA=] Requires:
- 10
Spiritwood Planks
- 50
Memory of Battle
- 50
Shard of Glory
Legendary Inscription [&CcooAAA=] Requires:
- 10
Glob of Ectoplasm
- 5
Pile of Crystalline Dust
- 1
Orichalcum Plated Dowel
- 10
Elonian Leather Square