Burn up the Night with the Foefire Chestguard and Legwraps

Foefire Chestguard and Foefire Legwraps

Haunt Ascalon—or just the local Halloween festivities. These items are made with 100% imitation Foefire, guaranteed* to emit zero heat and never turn you into a vengeful spirit.

Complete your look with incandescent adornments! The Foefire Mantle, Foefire Wraps, and Foefire Greaves are 20% off for a limited time.

What’s in Stock

We’re refreshing our seasonal selection of unlimited gathering tools, so stop in later this week to stock up on logging, mining, and harvesting tools…forever.

Returning Today
20% Off—Spooky Mounts Pack and Ghostly Outfit

Returning This Week
20% Off—Nightspeaker Outfit, Nightspeaker Greatsword, and Nightspeaker Wings Backpack and Glider Combo

Available Now in the Gem Store!

Log into Guild Wars 2 and press ‘O’ to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!

*The Black Lion Trading Company is not responsible for injury or death resulting from the cosmetic application of imitation Foefire. Please exercise extreme caution when adventuring.